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Worship Services

Watch for the Sunday Worship email each week for the latest information about our worship services.

Please Join Us

You are invited to join us in person at 1 Gilligan Road, East Greenbush, NY, or watch the 9:30 AM service live. 

Live Stream of Service on YouTube


You may also watch the service live on Facebook.

May Worship Services


All four lectionaries speak to the greatest victory known on earth—not the defeat of an enemy but the power of love. Such love, and the presence of God’s very Spirit, are meant for all—Jews and Gentiles, those nearby and those faraway, and those who are as different from one another as they could be. God’s love and presence are a message for all creation, and they are a fitting message for the Easter season and for a Sunday closely following Earth Day. As we have been actively loved by God, so are we called to love, in word and action.

May 5

Communion Sunday: Pastor Danyal will discuss the question “Are All Non-Christians Going to Hell?”

May 12

Ascension of the Lord/Mother’s Day: As the Easter season comes to a close, we are reminded that just as Christ was sent to earth with heavenly power to change lives and share God’s message Christ’s disciples are also sent with heavenly power to continue this call. The ascension of Christ opened the path for God’s glory and power to descend upon those remaining behind. Throughout these various
scriptures, Jesus commands the disciples to await the Spirit’s power and then go forth in answer to this call. Paul prays for us to be enlightened with the hope of this call; and the psalmist calls us to pursue our inherited call as followers of God with patience and steadfast faithfulness

May 19

The Day of Pentecost: The stone that was rejected becomes the building’s cornerstone in the Acts passage. Despite his crucifixion, Jesus is salvation for all humanity. In beloved Psalm 23, the Lord is represented as a shepherd, foreshadowing the Good Shepherd of the Gospels. The psalmist reminds us to seek comfort and restoration, since all are welcome to the table of the Lord. John 10 and 1 John 3 return us to abide in Christ’s resurrection—Christ laid down his life for us, so we must follow his lead. Following the model of Christ, we are to act with charity and love in the world. As Jesus’ disciples huddled together in fear, the Holy Spirit entered their dwelling in rushing wind and tongues of fire. From that event, the Church was born. Without Pentecost, the disciples would not have had the courage to go forth and spread the gospel. Without Pentecost, the Spirit promised to the prophet Joel would not be the active force it is in our world today—granting visions and dreams to old and young alike. God’s power to create and renew life is the power of the Holy Spirit. We see this power in the psalmist’s hymn of praise. We behold this power in Paul’s discussion of adoption in Christ through the Spirit. And we see the promise of this power in Jesus, as he comforts his disciples before his death.

May 26

Trinity Sunday: Trinity Sunday is a time to celebrate the fullness of God in the persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The God Isaiah experiences face-to-face in the Temple is the same God that Paul proclaims as the Father of Jesus Christ—the One who adopts us as children of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. This triune God is the one revealed by Christ when he was lifted up to bring us eternal life. The inner life of God is so holy and awe inspiring that we are truly born from above when we are brought into communion with the Holy One.

Wooden Cross in front of wooden pews surrounded by trees.

Early Worship Services: 8:30 AM

Services will be held in the Chapel in the Woods, weather permitting. During inclement weather, services are held inside the church.

communion table with bread and chalis

Sacrament of Communion

The Sacrament of Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month. Our tradition is open communion, which means that all who are present, or watching on Facebook, are invited to receive the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.

Other Services

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, services at Hawthorne Ridge, Riverside Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing and Rosewood Rehabilitation and Nursing Center are cancelled until further notice.